Saturday, November 3, 2012

The glory of Christ—beheld

The glory of Christ—beheld

‘And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.’ John 1:14

Suggested Further Reading: 

Exodus 25:1–9

Let me read the text again, giving another translation: ‘The Word was made flesh, and tabernacled among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.’ 

Now, you remember that in the Jewish church its greatest glory was that God tabernacled in its midst: not the tent of Moses, not the various pavilions of the princes of the twelve tribes, but the humble tabernacle in which God dwelt, was the boast of Israel. 

They had the king himself in the midst of them, a present God in their midst. The tabernacle was a tent to which men went when they would commune with God, and it was the spot to which God came manifestly when he would commune with man. 

Here they met each other through the sacrifice of an animal, and there was reconciliation between them. Now, Christ’s human flesh was God’s tabernacle, and it is in Christ that God meets with man, and in Christ that man has dealings with God. 

The Jew of old went to God’s tent, in the centre of the camp, if he would worship: we come to Christ if we would pay our homage.

 If the Jew would be released from ceremonial uncleanness, after he had performed the rites, he went up to the sanctuary of his God, that he might feel again that there was peace between God and his soul; and we, having been washed in the precious blood of Christ, have access with boldness unto God, even the Father, through Christ, who is our tabernacle and the tabernacle of God among men.

For meditation: 

Some of the things in the tabernacle which point to Christ are the veil (Matthew 27:51; John 14:6; Hebrews 10:19–20), the manna and the shewbread (John 6:31,35,48), the mercy seat (see 29th March) and the lampstand (John 8:12; 9:5; 12:46). There is no need of tabernacle, temple or lamp in heaven where mere pictures are replaced by the actual presence of the Lord and the Lamb (Revelation 21:22–23).

Sermon no. 414

20 October (1861)


 <(((><    ><)))> 

“The true minister of Christ knows that the true value of a sermon must lie, not in its fashion and manner, but in the truth which it contains.

~ C. H. Spurgeon ~

Reflection and inspiration from the "Prince of Preachers," Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Copyright Statement, This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the "Public Domain"..


The purpose of these pages is to share the precious word of God, without acquiring any monetary reward. God gave me the salvation for free, so I share the gospel of his word the same way .


 Blessings to all of You, 
rejoice in the sublime and infallible word of God 


Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. 
Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. 
Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. 
Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy.. 
Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. 
Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. 
Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings.



I hope you enjoy each one of the post and you can find more going to the "Blog Archive", there is many more, sometimes I do many during the day as the time permits
If you like to visit my other blogs, please click at the link and If not clickable, please copy and paste the address to your browser, Thanks...




Don't forget to spread The Word of GOD by sharing today's passage with friends... Please share with your family and friends using small envelope (E-mail) next to a pencil, under my name at the bottom of post, or using the share link..


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 This blog was created December 27th 2011

Friday, November 2, 2012

"Horror hath taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake Thy law."

"Horror hath taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake Thy law." 
—Psalm 119:53.
My soul, feelest thou this holy shuddering at the sins of others? for otherwise thou lackest inward holiness. David's cheeks were wet with rivers of waters because of prevailing unholiness; Jeremiah desired eyes like fountains that he might lament the iniquities of Israel, and Lot was vexed with the conversation of the men of Sodom.

 Those upon whom the mark was set in Ezekiel's vision, were those who sighed and cried for the abominations of Jerusalem. It cannot but grieve gracious souls to see what pains men take to go to hell. They know the evil of sin experimentally, and they are alarmed to see others flying like moths into its blaze. 

Sin makes the righteous shudder, because it violates a holy law, which it is to every man's highest interest to keep; it pulls down the pillars of the commonwealth. Sin in others horrifies a believer, because it puts him in mind of the baseness of his own heart: when he sees a transgressor he cries with the saint mentioned by Bernard, "He fell to-day, and I may fall to-morrow." 

Sin to a believer is horrible, because it crucified the Saviour; he sees in every iniquity the nails and spear. How can a saved soul behold that cursed kill-Christ sin without abhorrence? Say, my heart, dost thou sensibly join in all this? It is an awful thing to insult God to His face. 

The good God deserves better treatment, the great God claims it, the just God will have it, or repay His adversary to his face. An awakened heart trembles at the audacity of sin, and stands alarmed at the contemplation of its punishment. 

How monstrous a thing is rebellion! How direful a doom is prepared for the ungodly! My soul, never laugh at sin's fooleries, lest thou come to smile at sin itself.

 It is thine enemy, and thy Lord's enemy—view it with detestation, for so only canst thou evidence the possession of holiness, without which no man can see the Lord.


 <(((><    ><)))> 

“The true minister of Christ knows that the true value of a sermon must lie, not in its fashion and manner, but in the truth which it contains.

~ C. H. Spurgeon ~

Reflection and inspiration from the "Prince of Preachers," Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Copyright Statement, This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the "Public Domain"..


The purpose of these pages is to share the precious word of God, without acquiring any monetary reward. God gave me the salvation for free, so I share the gospel of his word the same way .


 Blessings to all of You, 
rejoice in the sublime and infallible word of God 


Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. 
Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. 
Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. 
Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy.. 
Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. 
Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. 
Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings.



I hope you enjoy each one of the post and you can find more going to the "Blog Archive", there is many more, sometimes I do many during the day as the time permits
If you like to visit my other blogs, please click at the link and If not clickable, please copy and paste the address to your browser, Thanks...




Don't forget to spread The Word of GOD by sharing today's passage with friends... Please share with your family and friends using small envelope (E-mail) next to a pencil, under my name at the bottom of post, or using the share link..


We respect copyright laws and are committed to remove any copyright infringing material from our website. If you find any content on our website which infringes your copyrighted work, please contact us, we’ll be happy to verify and remove such content. Please do provide us the following details: 1) Your name, E-mail Address. 2) Location (URLs) of your copyrighted work on your website. 3) Location (URLs) of your copyrighted work on our website.
 This blog was created December 27th 2011

Thursday, November 1, 2012

And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away

"And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away: 
so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

Matthew 24:39.

UNIVERSAL was the doom, neither rich nor poor escaped: the learned and the illiterate, the admired and the abhorred, the religious and the profane, the old and the young, all sank in one common ruin.

Some had doubtless ridiculed the patriarch—where now their merry jests? Others had threatened him for his zeal which they counted madness—where now their boastings and hard speeches? The critic who judged the old man's work is drowned in the same sea which covers his sneering companions.

Those who spoke patronizingly of the good man's fidelity to his convictions, but shared not in them, have sunk to rise no more, and the workers who for pay helped to build the wondrous ark, are all lost also. The flood swept them all away, and made no single exception.

Even so, out of Christ, final destruction is sure to every man of woman born; no rank, possession, or character, shall suffice to save a single soul who has not believed in the Lord Jesus. My soul, behold this wide-spread judgment and tremble at it.

How marvellous the general apathy! they were all eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, till the awful morning dawned. There was not one wise man upon earth out of the ark. Folly duped the whole race, folly as to self-preservation—the most foolish of all follies.

Folly in doubting the most true God—the most malignant of fooleries.
Strange, my soul, is it not? All men are negligent of their souls till grace gives them reason, then they leave their madness and act like rational beings, but not till then.

All, blessed be God, were safe in the ark, no ruin entered there.
From the huge elephant down to the tiny mouse all were safe.
The timid hare was equally secure with the courageous lion, the helpless cony as safe as the laborious ox. All are safe in Jesus.

My soul, art thou in Him?


 <(((><    ><)))> 

“The true minister of Christ knows that the true value of a sermon must lie, not in its fashion and manner, but in the truth which it contains.

~ C. H. Spurgeon ~

Reflection and inspiration from the "Prince of Preachers," Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Copyright Statement, This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the "Public Domain"..


The purpose of these pages is to share the precious word of God, without acquiring any monetary reward. God gave me the salvation for free, so I share the gospel of his word the same way .


 Blessings to all of You, 
rejoice in the sublime and infallible word of God 


Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. 
Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. 
Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. 
Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy.. 
Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. 
Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. 
Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings.



I hope you enjoy each one of the post and you can find more going to the "Blog Archive", there is many more, sometimes I do many during the day as the time permits
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Don't forget to spread The Word of GOD by sharing today's passage with friends... Please share with your family and friends using small envelope (E-mail) next to a pencil, under my name at the bottom of post, or using the share link..


We respect copyright laws and are committed to remove any copyright infringing material from our website. If you find any content on our website which infringes your copyrighted work, please contact us, we’ll be happy to verify and remove such content. Please do provide us the following details: 1) Your name, E-mail Address. 2) Location (URLs) of your copyrighted work on your website. 3) Location (URLs) of your copyrighted work on our website.
 This blog was created December 27th 2011