Saturday, January 12, 2013

"Loved unto the End"

"Loved unto the End"

For the Lord will not cast off for ever. 
(Lamentations 3:31)

He may cast away for a season but not forever. A woman may leave off her ornaments for a few days, but she will not forget them or throw them upon the dunghill.

 It is not like the Lord to cast off those whom He loves, for "having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end." Some talk of our being in grace and out of it, as if we were like rabbits that run in and out of their burrows; but, indeed, it is not so.

The Lord's love is a far more serious and abiding matter than this.

He chose us from eternity, and He will love us throughout eternity. He loved us so as to die for us, and we may therefore be sure that His love will never die. His honor is so wrapped up in the salvation of the believer that He can no more cast him of than He can cast off His own robes of office as King of glory.

No, no! The Lord Jesus, as a Head, never casts off His members; as a Husband, He never casts off His bride. Did you think you were cast off? Why did you think so evil of the Lord who has betrothed you to Himself? Cast off such thoughts, and never let them lodge in your soul again.

"The Lord hath not cast away his people which he foreknew" (Romans 11:2).
 "He hateth putting away" (Malachi 2:16).


♥ <(((><    ><)))> ♥

 “The true minister of Christ knows that the true value of a sermon must lie, not in its fashion and manner, but in the truth which it contains.”.... 
The purpose of these pages is to share the precious word of God, without acquiring any monetary reward. God gave me the salvation for free, so I share the gospel of his word the same way ..
 ♥♥♥ Blessings to all of You, rejoice in the sublime and infallible word of God ♥♥♥

 Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy.. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings. Amen. 
 I hope you enjoy each one of the post and you can find more going to the "Blog Archive", there is many more, sometimes I do many during the day as the time permits. 

 If you like to visit my other blogs, please click at the link and If not clickable, please copy and paste the address to your browser, Thanks... 
 Don't forget to spread The Word of GOD by sharing today's passage with friends... 
 Please share with your family and friends using small envelope (E-mail)
next to a pencil, under my name at the bottom of post, or using the share link..
"Copyright Statement" 
Reflection and inspiration from the "Prince of Preachers," Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the "Public Domain". Charles Spurgeon, "THE PRINCE OF PREACHERS" 


 We respect copyright laws and are committed to remove any copyright infringing material from our website. If you find any content on our website which infringes your copyrighted work, please contact us, we’ll be happy to verify and remove such content. Please provide to us the following details: 
 1) Your name, E-mail Address. 
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 3) Location (URLs) of your copyrighted work on our website. 
Some of the pictures from Flickr under Creative Commons License and also the bank of free Creative images for non commercial usage...
Everything we do is for God Almighty's glory, our creator and we pray for all the people that are making images available to continue spreading the Gospel. 
 Thank YOu and God Bless. 
27th December 2011 was created.

Friday, January 11, 2013

"These have no root."

"These have no root."
—Luke 8:13.

MY soul, examine thyself this morning by the light of this text. 

Thou hast received the word with joy; thy feelings have been stirred and a lively impression has been made; but, remember, that to receive the word in the ear is one thing, and to receive Jesus into thy very soul is quite another; superficial feeling is often joined to inward hardness of heart, and a lively impression of the word is not always a lasting one.

In the parable, the seed in one case fell upon ground having a rocky bottom, covered over with a thin layer of earth; when the seed began to take root, its downward growth was hindered by the hard stone and therefore it spent its strength in pushing its green shoot aloft as high as it could, but having no inward moisture derived from root nourishment, it withered away. Is this my case? Have I been making a fair show in the flesh without having a corresponding inner life? Good growth takes place upwards and downwards at the same time.

Am I rooted in sincere fidelity and love to Jesus? If my heart remains unsoftened and unfertilized by grace, the good seed may germinate for a season, but it must ultimately wither, for it cannot flourish on a rocky, unbroken, unsanctified heart. Let me dread a godliness as rapid in growth and as wanting in endurance as Jonah's gourd; let me count the cost of being a follower of Jesus, above all let me feel the energy of His Holy Spirit, and then I shall possess an abiding and enduring seed in my soul.

If my mind remains as obdurate as it was by nature, the sun of trial will scorch, and my hard heart will help to cast the heat the more terribly upon the ill-covered seed, and my religion will soon die, and my despair will be terrible; therefore, O heavenly Sower, plough me first, and then cast the truth into me, and let me yield Thee a bounteous harvest.


♥ <(((><    ><)))> ♥

 “The true minister of Christ knows that the true value of a sermon must lie, not in its fashion and manner, but in the truth which it contains.”.... 
The purpose of these pages is to share the precious word of God, without acquiring any monetary reward. God gave me the salvation for free, so I share the gospel of his word the same way ..
 ♥♥♥ Blessings to all of You, rejoice in the sublime and infallible word of God ♥♥♥

 Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy.. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings. Amen. 
 I hope you enjoy each one of the post and you can find more going to the "Blog Archive", there is many more, sometimes I do many during the day as the time permits. 

 If you like to visit my other blogs, please click at the link and If not clickable, please copy and paste the address to your browser, Thanks... 
 Don't forget to spread The Word of GOD by sharing today's passage with friends... 
 Please share with your family and friends using small envelope (E-mail)
next to a pencil, under my name at the bottom of post, or using the share link..
"Copyright Statement" 
Reflection and inspiration from the "Prince of Preachers," Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the "Public Domain". Charles Spurgeon, "THE PRINCE OF PREACHERS" 


 We respect copyright laws and are committed to remove any copyright infringing material from our website. If you find any content on our website which infringes your copyrighted work, please contact us, we’ll be happy to verify and remove such content. Please provide to us the following details: 
 1) Your name, E-mail Address. 
 2) Location (URLs) of your copyrighted work on your website. 
 3) Location (URLs) of your copyrighted work on our website. 
Some of the pictures from Flickr under Creative Commons License and also the bank of free Creative images for non commercial usage...
Everything we do is for God Almighty's glory, our creator and we pray for all the people that are making images available to continue spreading the Gospel. 
 Thank YOu and God Bless. 
27th December 2011 was created.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Crown of righteousness.

"There is laid up for me a crown of righteousness."
2 Timothy 4:8.

DOUBTING one! thou hast often said, "I fear I shall never enter heaven."
 Fear not! all the people of God shall enter there.

 I love the quaint saying of a dying man, who exclaimed, "I have no fear of going home; I have sent all before me; God's finger is on the latch of my door, and I am ready for Him to enter."
"But," said one, "are you not afraid lest you should miss your inheritance?" "Nay," said he, "nay; there is one crown in heaven which the angel Gabriel could not wear, it will fit no head but mine.

There is one throne in heaven which Paul the apostle could not fill; it was made for me, and I shall have it." O Christian, what a joyous thought! thy portion is secure; "there remaineth a rest." "But cannot I forfeit it?" No, it is entailed.

If I be a child of God I shall not lose it. It is mine as securely as if I were there. Come with me, believer, and let us sit upon the top of Nebo, and view the goodly land, even Canaan.

Seest thou that little river of death glistening in the sunlight, and across it dost thou see the pinnacles of the eternal city? Dost thou mark the pleasant country, and all its joyous inhabitants? Know, then, that if thou couldst fly across thou wouldst see written upon one of its many mansions, "This remaineth for such a one; preserved for him only.

He shall be caught up to dwell for ever with God." Poor doubting one, see the fair inheritance; it is thine. If thou believest in the Lord Jesus, if thou hast repented of sin, if thou hast been renewed in heart, thou art one of the Lord's people, and there is a place reserved for thee, a crown laid up for thee, a harp specially provided for thee.

No one else shall have thy portion, it is reserved in heaven for thee, and thou shalt have it ere long, for there shall be no vacant thrones in glory when all the chosen are gathered in.


♥ <(((><    ><)))> ♥

 “The true minister of Christ knows that the true value of a sermon must lie, not in its fashion and manner, but in the truth which it contains.”.... 
The purpose of these pages is to share the precious word of God, without acquiring any monetary reward. God gave me the salvation for free, so I share the gospel of his word the same way ..
 ♥♥♥ Blessings to all of You, rejoice in the sublime and infallible word of God ♥♥♥

 Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy.. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings. Amen. 
 I hope you enjoy each one of the post and you can find more going to the "Blog Archive", there is many more, sometimes I do many during the day as the time permits. 

 If you like to visit my other blogs, please click at the link and If not clickable, please copy and paste the address to your browser, Thanks... 
 Don't forget to spread The Word of GOD by sharing today's passage with friends... 
 Please share with your family and friends using small envelope (E-mail)
next to a pencil, under my name at the bottom of post, or using the share link..
"Copyright Statement" 
Reflection and inspiration from the "Prince of Preachers," Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the "Public Domain". Charles Spurgeon, "THE PRINCE OF PREACHERS" 


 We respect copyright laws and are committed to remove any copyright infringing material from our website. If you find any content on our website which infringes your copyrighted work, please contact us, we’ll be happy to verify and remove such content. Please provide to us the following details: 
 1) Your name, E-mail Address. 
 2) Location (URLs) of your copyrighted work on your website. 
 3) Location (URLs) of your copyrighted work on our website. 
Some of the pictures from Flickr under Creative Commons License and also the bank of free Creative images for non commercial usage...
Everything we do is for God Almighty's glory, our creator and we pray for all the people that are making images available to continue spreading the Gospel. 
 Thank YOu and God Bless. 
27th December 2011 was created.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Gaining by Giving

Gaining by Giving

The liberal soul shall be made fat. 
(Proverbs 11:25)

If I desire to flourish in soul, I must not hoard up my stores but must distribute to the poor. To be close and niggardly is the world's way to prosperity, but it is not God's way, for He saith, "There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, and it tendeth to poverty."

Faith's way of gaining is giving. I must try this again and again, and I may expect that as much of prosperity as will be good for me will carne to me as a gracious reward for a liberal course of action.

Of course, I may not be sure of growing rich.
 I shall be fat but not too fat. Too great riches might make me as unwieldy as corpulent persons usually are and cause me the dyspepsia of worldliness, and perhaps bring on a fatty degeneration of the heart. No, if I am fat enough to be healthy, I may well be satisfied; and if the Lord grants me a competence, I may be thoroughly content.

But there is a mental and spiritual fatness which I would greatly covet, and this comes as the result of generous thoughts toward my God, His church, and my fellow men.

Let me not stint, lest I starve my heart.
Let me be bountiful and liberal, for so shall I be like my Lord.
 He gave Himself for me; shall I grudge Him anything?


♥ <(((><    ><)))> ♥

 “The true minister of Christ knows that the true value of a sermon must lie, not in its fashion and manner, but in the truth which it contains.”.... 
The purpose of these pages is to share the precious word of God, without acquiring any monetary reward. God gave me the salvation for free, so I share the gospel of his word the same way ..
 ♥♥♥ Blessings to all of You, rejoice in the sublime and infallible word of God ♥♥♥

 Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy.. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings. Amen. 

 I hope you enjoy each one of the post and you can find more going to the "Blog Archive", there is many more, sometimes I do many during the day as the time permits. 

 If you like to visit my other blogs, please click at the link and If not clickable, please copy and paste the address to your browser, Thanks... 
 Don't forget to spread The Word of GOD by sharing today's passage with friends... 
 Please share with your family and friends using small envelope (E-mail)
next to a pencil, under my name at the bottom of post, or using the share link..
"Copyright Statement" 
Reflection and inspiration from the "Prince of Preachers," Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the "Public Domain". Charles Spurgeon, "THE PRINCE OF PREACHERS" 


 We respect copyright laws and are committed to remove any copyright infringing material from our website. If you find any content on our website which infringes your copyrighted work, please contact us, we’ll be happy to verify and remove such content. Please provide to us the following details: 
 1) Your name, E-mail Address. 
 2) Location (URLs) of your copyrighted work on your website. 
 3) Location (URLs) of your copyrighted work on our website. 
Some of the pictures from Flickr under Creative Commons License and also the bank of free Creative images for non commercial usage...
Everything we do is for God Almighty's glory, our creator and we pray for all the people that are making images available to continue spreading the Gospel. 
 Thank YOu and God Bless. 
27th December 2011 was created.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"The iniquity of the holy things."

"The iniquity of the holy things."
Exodus 28:38.

WHAT a veil is lifted up by these words, and what a disclosure is made!
It will be humbling and profitable for us to pause awhile and see this sad sight.
The iniquities of our public worship, its hypocrisy, formality, lukewarmness, irreverence, wandering of heart and forgetfulness of God, what a full measure have we there!

Our work for the Lord, its emulation, selfishness, carelessness, slackness, unbelief, what a mass of defilement is there! Our private devotions, their laxity, coldness, neglect, sleepiness, and vanity, what a mountain of dead earth is there! If we looked more carefully we should find this iniquity to be far greater than appears at first sight.

Dr. Payson, writing to his brother, says, "My parish, as well as my heart, very much resembles the garden of the sluggard; and what is worse, I find that very many of my desires for the melioration of both, proceed either from pride or vanity or indolence.

I look at the weeds which overspread my garden, and breathe out an earnest wish that they were eradicated. But why? What prompts the wish? It may be that I may walk out and say to myself, 'In what fine order is my garden kept!' This is pride.

Or, it may be that my neighbours may look over the wall and say, 'How finely your garden flourishes!' This is vanity. Or I may wish for the destruction of the weeds, because I am weary of pulling them up. This is indolence."

 So that even our desires after holiness may be polluted by ill motives. Under the greenest sods worms hide themselves; we need not look long to discover them.

How cheering is the thought, that when the High Priest bore the iniquity of the holy things he wore upon his brow the words, "HOLINESS TO THE LORD:" and even so while Jesus bears our sin, He presents before His Father's face not our unholiness, but his own holiness.

O for grace to view our great High Priest by the eye of faith!


♥ <(((><    ><)))> ♥

 “The true minister of Christ knows that the true value of a sermon must lie, not in its fashion and manner, but in the truth which it contains.”.... 
 Reflection and inspiration from the "Prince of Preachers," Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
The purpose of these pages is to share the precious word of God, without acquiring any monetary reward. God gave me the salvation for free, so I share the gospel of his word the same way ..
 ♥♥♥ Blessings to all of You, rejoice in the sublime and infallible word of God ♥♥♥

 Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy.. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings. Amen. 

 I hope you enjoy each one of the post and you can find more going to the "Blog Archive", there is many more, sometimes I do many during the day as the time permits. 

 If you like to visit my other blogs, please click at the link and If not clickable, please copy and paste the address to your browser, Thanks... 
 Don't forget to spread The Word of GOD by sharing today's passage with friends... 
 Please share with your family and friends using small envelope (E-mail)
next to a pencil, under my name at the bottom of post, or using the share link..
"Copyright Statement" 
This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the "Public Domain". Charles Spurgeon, "THE PRINCE OF PREACHERS" 


 We respect copyright laws and are committed to remove any copyright infringing material from our website. If you find any content on our website which infringes your copyrighted work, please contact us, we’ll be happy to verify and remove such content. Please provide to us the following details: 
 1) Your name, E-mail Address. 
 2) Location (URLs) of your copyrighted work on your website. 
 3) Location (URLs) of your copyrighted work on our website. 
Some of the pictures from Flickr under Creative Commons License and also the bank of free Creative images for non commercial usage...
Everything we do is for God Almighty's glory, our creator and we pray for all the people that are making images available to continue spreading the Gospel. 
 Thank YOu and God Bless. 
27th December 2011 was created.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Heavenly worship

Heavenly worship

“And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the Mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads. 
And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.”
 Revelation 14:1-3

Suggested Further Reading:
 Revelation 5:6-10

Why is the song said to be a new song? It will be a new song, because the saints were never in such a position before as they will be when they sing this new song.
They are in heaven now; but the scene of our text is something more than heaven.

It refers to the time when all the chosen race shall meet around the throne, when the last battle shall have been fought, and the last warrior shall have gained his crown.

 It is not now that they are singing, but it is in the glorious time to come, when all the hundred and forty and four thousand—or rather, the number typified by that number—will be all safely housed and all secure. I can conceive the period. Time was—eternity now reigns.

The voice of God exclaims, “Are my beloved all safe?” The angel flies through paradise and returns with this message, “Yes, they are.” “

Is Fearful safe? Is Feeble-mind safe? Is Ready-to-Halt safe? Is Despondency safe?” “Yes, O King, they are,” says he. “Shut the gates,” says the Almighty, “they have been open night and day; shut them now.”

Then, when all of them shall be there, then will be the time when the shout shall be louder than many waters, and the song shall begin which will never end.

For meditation: 

The old year is about to be replaced by a new year, but that will soon grow old and fade away. Revelation speaks of the former things passing away (21: 4),
and the old serpent being cast out and bound (12: 9 and 20: 2).
All that remains is new and remains new throughout eternity—a new song, a new heaven, a new earth, new Jerusalem—all things new (21: 1-5).

Sermon no. 110
28 December (1856)

 ♥ <(((><    ><)))> ♥
 “The true minister of Christ knows that the true value of a sermon must lie, not in its fashion and manner, but in the truth which it contains.”.... 
 Reflection and inspiration from the "Prince of Preachers," Charles Haddon Spurgeon. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 
The purpose of these pages is to share the precious word of God, without acquiring any monetary reward. God gave me the salvation for free, so I share the gospel of his word the same way ..
 ♥♥♥ Blessings to all of You, rejoice in the sublime and infallible word of God ♥♥♥

 Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy.. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings. Amen. 

 I hope you enjoy each one of the post and you can find more going to the "Blog Archive", there is many more, sometimes I do many during the day as the time permits. 

 If you like to visit my other blogs, please click at the link and If not clickable, please copy and paste the address to your browser, Thanks... 
 Don't forget to spread The Word of GOD by sharing today's passage with friends... 
 Please share with your family and friends using small envelope (E-mail)
next to a pencil, under my name at the bottom of post, or using the share link.. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 
"Copyright Statement" 
This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the "Public Domain". Charles Spurgeon, "THE PRINCE OF PREACHERS" 


 We respect copyright laws and are committed to remove any copyright infringing material from our website. If you find any content on our website which infringes your copyrighted work, please contact us, we’ll be happy to verify and remove such content. Please provide to us the following details: 
 1) Your name, E-mail Address. 
 2) Location (URLs) of your copyrighted work on your website. 
 3) Location (URLs) of your copyrighted work on our website. 
Some of the pictures from Flickr under Creative Commons License and also the bank of free Creative images for non commercial usage...
Everything we do is for God Almighty's glory, our creator and we pray for all the people that are making images available to continue spreading the Gospel. 
 Thank YOu and God Bless. 
27th December 2011 was created.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Now the hand of the Lord

"Now the hand of the Lord was upon me in the evening."
Ezekiel 33:22.

In the way of judgment this may be the case, and, if so, be it mine to consider the reason of such a visitation, and bear the rod and Him that hath appointed it. I am not the only one who is chastened in the night season; let me cheerfully submit to the affliction, and carefully endeavour to be profited thereby.

But the hand of the Lord may also be felt in another manner, strengthening the soul and lifting the spirit upward towards eternal things. O that I may in this sense feel the Lord dealing with me! A sense of the divine presence and indwelling bears the soul towards heaven as upon the wings of eagles.

At such times we are full to the brim with spiritual joy, and forget the cares and sorrows of earth; the invisible is near, and the visible loses its power over us; servant-body waits at the foot of the hill, and the master-spirit worships upon the summit in the presence of the Lord.

O that a hallowed season of divine communion may be vouchsafed to me this evening! The Lord knows that I need it very greatly. My graces languish, my corruptions rage, my faith is weak, my devotion is cold; all these are reasons why His healing hand should be laid upon me.

His hand can cool the heat of my burning brow, and stay the tumult of my palpitating heart. That glorious right hand which moulded the world can new-create my mind; the unwearied hand which bears the earth's huge pillars up can sustain my spirit; the loving hand which incloses all the saints can cherish me; and the mighty hand which breaketh in pieces the enemy can subdue my sins.

Why should I not feel that hand touching me this evening? Come, my soul, address thy God with the potent plea, that Jesu's hands were pierced for thy redemption, and thou shalt surely feel that same hand upon thee which once touched Daniel and set him upon his knees that he might see visions of God.

 <(((>< † ♥  ><)))> ♥ 
“The true minister of Christ knows that the true value of a sermon must lie, not in its fashion and manner, but in the truth which it contains.”.... 

 Reflection and inspiration from the "Prince of Preachers," 
 Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
The purpose of these pages is to share the precious word of God, 
without acquiring any monetary reward. 
God gave me the salvation for free, so I share the gospel of his word the same way ..
 ♥♥♥ Blessings to all of You, rejoice in the sublime and infallible word of God ♥♥♥ 

Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. 
Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. 
Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy..
Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace.
 Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. 
Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings.


I hope you enjoy each one of the post and you can find more going to the "Blog Archive", 
there is many more, sometimes I do many during the day as the time permits. 

If you like to visit my other blogs, please click at the link and If not clickable, please copy and paste the address to your browser, Thanks... 



 Don't forget to spread The Word of GOD by sharing today's passage with friends... 
Please share with your family and friends using small envelope (E-mail) next to a pencil, 
under my name at the bottom of post, or using the share link.. 

Copyright Statement
This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the "Public Domain".
We respect copyright laws and are committed to remove any copyright infringing material 
from our website. If you find any content on our website which infringes your copyrighted work, please contact us, we’ll be happy to verify and remove such content. 
Please provide to us the following details: 
1) Your name, E-mail Address. 
2) Location (URLs) of your copyrighted work on your website.
 3) Location (URLs) of your copyrighted work on our website.
Some of the pictures from Flickr under Creative Commons License and also the bank of free Creative images for non commercial usage...Everything we do is for God Almighty's glory our creator and we pray for all the people that are making images available to continue spreading the Gospel.
 Thank YOu and God Bless.
27th December 2011 was created.